Tag Archives: ECU

Electronic aids to daily living

Electronic Aid to Daily Living

Also known as ECU (Environmental Control Unit). These are a means to interact and manipulate electronic appliances such as TV, radio, CD player, lights, fan, or a thermostat. This is accomplished using voice activation, switch access, a computer interface, and adaptations such as X-10 units. A controller of a powered wheelchair can be interfaced for accessing electronic appliances.

The user can control systems within the home such as lights, security, climate, telephone, home theatre, and the internet with “Home Automated Living” software all by talking to the computer.  This is usually accomplished with ultrasound, infrared, AC wiring throughout the house, and radio frequency.

Some devices have discrete control interface (an electronic device is either turned ON or OFF), such as lights, fans, or television. Some devices are capable of continuous control interface which results in successively, greater or smaller degrees of control. Examples of continuous control are lowering and raising the volume on a television or dimming a light.

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