Step 5: Evaluate Effectiveness

Evaluate how well the AT is working for the person in his or her life. Consider how the person’s life is different now that the AT has been implemented. Identify what is working and what is not working and decide what additional action is needed.

Discussion Questions

  • Review the data (e.g. progress notes, behavior tracking, ISP goal tracking). What does the data show?
  • Is there other information to share about the effects of the AT (e.g. observed behaviors)?
  • Is the AT being used as originally intended? Does it meet the desired outcome?
  • Does usage vary depending on location, activity, people present, or time of day?
  • Are all people who support the person using the AT consistently and as planned?
  • What is working well?
  • What is not working, and what further improvements or modifications are needed? Does the AT or support for its use need to change?
  • Is further consultation needed regarding any issue identified in this evaluation phase?


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