Step 3: Make a Decision

Decide whether or not to acquire the identified AT. Clearly define the desired outcome of the AT so that its effectiveness can be evaluated later. Document the team’s rationale for acquiring the AT.

Discussion Questions

How might the person’s life change as a result of this AT? Does the person want the changes that the AT will create?

Will this AT support the person to:

  • Have greater control over his or her own life?
  • Participate in and contribute more fully in activities in his or her home, school, work environment, or community?
  • Interact with others?
  • Access the same activities as people who do not have disabilities?

What will the person accomplish by using this AT? Will the AT:

  • Meet an ADL or IADL need?
  • Improve the person’s health, safety, or well-being?
  • Address a specific identified health or safety concern?
  • Decrease the amount of provider support needed?

Will the purchase be cost effective in helping the person meet the desired outcome?

  • What services in the ISP will be reduced as a result of obtaining this AT?
  • How often will the person use or benefit from this AT?
  • What other alternatives have been considered?
  • Could modifications to the environment help the person complete the task or activity more independently?
  • Is this the least costly AT that will meet the need?
  • If not, why has the team chosen the higher cost option? What is the documented justification for this decision?

What services will be added, permanently or temporarily, as a result of obtaining this AT?

  • Are there additional costs to consider (e.g. for ongoing maintenance costs or usage fees, additional equipment needed for use, education or training, or modifications to the environment to allow for its use)?
  • Does the person have the capacity to use this particular AT successfully or will he or she need help to use it?
  • What are the training requirements to implement the AT?


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A resource website and tool to identify assistive technologies, acquire and implement them, and evaluate their effectiveness