ISP team – does this ISP reflect…
Independence: Having control and choice over one’s own life.
Integration: Living near and using the same community resources and participating in the same activities as, and together with, people without disabilities.
Productivity: Engaging in contributions to a household or community; or engaging in income-producing work that is measured through improvements in income level, employment status, or job advancement.
While we can all agree that these values are not only required but key to living a good life, how do we know if they are reflected in plans? The answer to that is much different than simply “checking the box”.
Values Embedded in the Planning Process

Common Misconception- Values, not Check-Boxes!
- Gavin’s autonomy is reflected in their Desired Outcome to get a new tattoo. This reflects independence.
- Malik, with support from his PSW (described in the Provider Service Agreement), creates pottery alongside other artists at his community college. This reflects integration.
- Maria contributes her time as an usher at her church, as described in her Person-Centered Information. This reflects productivity.

Yeah, but what about…?
If you are reading this article and wondering how it might apply to your work and the people you support, please reach out to our team! We understand this can be a complex topic and our team is happy to offer support.