Oregon ISP Redesign July Project Updates

Oregon ISP Redesign July Project Updates

Thank you to our Community Partners and Sub-Contractors for your continued support and dedication. We value every one of you and the important skills, lived experiences and ideas you share.

Please share the Oregon ISP Redesign website link to help get the word out! oregonisp.org.

Self-Advocates can fill out the online form to share their interest in joining the CommunityPartner Group or by emailing our team at redesign@thearcoregon.org or call (503) 428.5434.

ISP Handbook Development:

The team has been listening and learning from Self-Advocates, Family Members, Providers,Services Coordinators and Personal Agents to continue development of the four ISP handbooks.Here are some loud and consistent messages that have been heard:

  • Handbooks should include videos, text, images and graphics.
  • People want to better understand roles and responsibilities.
  • A menu of services would be helpful to know what is available.
  • A need for clear, easy to understand information about the ISP process.
  • Tools to support planning conversations and decision-making.

July was filled with outreach and engagement with Self-Advocates and Families
to grow theOregon ISP Redesign Community Partner Group!

  • Meetings with Self-Advocacy groups
  • Outreach to Oregon’s Consortium of Family Networks
  • Outreach to Spanish-Speaking Family Leaders
  • Direct 1:1 outreach to families and Self-Advocates
  • Follow up with participants from Self-Advocate and Family Listening Sessions

For more information or questions, email redesign@oregonisp.org or call: (503) 428.5434