ISP Section Feature: Differences

Differences- A Small but Mighty ISP Section

The Differences Section in the ISP is a place to include any differences or disagreements with what is in the plan and what the person or any other team member wants.
While this might seem straightforward, this section plays a really important role in planning.
What the Person Wants
Sometimes, it may not be possible for the plan to reflect exactly what the person is asking for or wants. By recording this in the differences section, we can:
  • Honor the person’s perspective
  • Acknowledge when the plan doesn’t reflect what the person wants
  • Call attention to this difference, so that we can work toward aligning the plan with what the person wants in the future.
  • We know planning is going well when we’re working toward the person’s vision for a good life.
  • We want to avoid simply documenting the same difference year after year without effort toward aligning the plan with what the person wants.
In the example above, TJ is living with his parents but wants to be living with his girlfriend, Ashley.
Even though there are several logistical reasons that TJ cannot move into an apartment with his girlfriend right now, TJ’s ISP team is not losing sight of where TJ wants to be living. By documenting this difference, TJ’s perspective is in plain view. His team will continue to revisit this conversation, address barriers, and support TJ to live his ‘good life’.
What Any Other ISP Contributor Wants
The person is the driver of the plan. The ISP should reflect what the person wants, and at times, this may mean that the plan does not include what other ISP contributors want. By including differences between the plan and what any other ISP contributor wants, we can:
  • Support other ISP contributors to feel heard and having their perspective recorded
  • Have clear communication about the contents of the plan, especially when there are many different perspectives
  • Support the person to direct the contents of their plan

In the example above, Maya likes to take the bus to work. Her sister, Alexa, believes that Maya should not be taking the bus by herself.

By recording Alexa’s perspective, those planning with Maya can help Alexa to feel heard and that her concerns are taken seriously. However, by recording this concern as a difference rather than letting it shape the plan itself, Maya’s ISP reflect what she really wants (taking the bus to work).

By recording Alexa’s perspective, the team may also consider what might help Alexa be more comfortable with Maya riding the bus and help these planning conversations happen with sensitivity and respect to Alexa’s concerns.

No differences? Don’t forget to check ‘No known differences’!
There may not always be difference between the contents of the plan and what the person or other ISP contributors want. This is great, but don’t forget to check that there are no known differences. This helps to close the loop and shows that there are no differences- not that we overlooked or forgot about this section.

Do you have questions about using the Difference section? Have you had success or challenges while using this section? We would like to hear from you! Please reach out to our team.