Instruction Manual
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- Oregon ISP Instructions, rev. 2-28-2018 (Download MS Word document…)
This instruction manual contains instructions for all users of this planning process.
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Posted October 1, 2020
The Risk Report of the Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) is designed to assist teams in identifying any known, Serious Risks that are present in the person’s life.
This guidance documents below are intended only for teams who will be using the ONA Risk Report to identify Serious Risks for people who live in in-home settings. This guidance will not apply to teams who support people who live in residential settings, such as 24-hour residential, Supported Living, or foster care.
Which teams will be using the ONA Risk Report? Services Coordinators and Personal Agents (SC/PAs) who support people in in-home settings will have the option of using either the ONA Risk Report or the Risk Identification Tool (RIT) to identify Serious Risks. If you live in or support someone in an in-home setting, check with the person’s SC/PA to determine which tool will be used to identify Serious Risks.
If your team is using the ONA Risk Report, refer to the guidance below. If your team will continue to use the Risk Identification Tool, refer to the RIT guidance in the current Oregon ISP Instruction Manual (above).
- Risk Identification with the ONA Risk Report (an addendum to the ISP instruction manual) This document provides detailed instructions on how to identify Serious Risk, including a Potential Risk Factor Decision Tree; how to bring information from the ONA Risk Report into the ISP Risk Management Plan; and how to use information from the ISP Risk Management Plan to create a Provider Risk Management Strategies document (PRMS).
- One-page Risk Report & ISP Risk Management Plan Snapshot This brief, one-page document provides a visual example of information from the ONA Risk Report being brought into the ISP Risk Management Plan.
- How to Use the ONA Risk Report This document provides an overview of the ONA Risk Report and how to use it within eXPRS for SC/PAs.
- Watch a recorded webinar introducing the ONA Risk Report, originally broadcast on 10/6/2020.
- ISP Checklist for SC/PAs, rev. 9-30-2016 (Word)
- Discussion Record instructions (Word)
- Support Document instructions (more info…)
- Employment and Career Development Plan resources (more info…)
- Risk Identification Tool – Additional Guidance, rev. 10-2016 (PDF)
- Risk Assessment Matrix – Available tool for SC/PAs, rev. 2015 (PDF)
Employment & Career Development Plan resources
Visit our Employment Resources page for the latest Career Development Plan instructions, DNE instructions, discussion guide, and other helpful resources.