Interview by Jennie Heidrick | The Arc Oregon
Fengxian lives in Portland and graduated from Portland State’s Career and Community Studies program in 2020. Born in China and then adopted, Fengxian identifies as transracial and is excited to visit her birth country later this year. Fengxian is actively involved in her community working at Safeway, dog sitting and walking, as well as helping with the family business.
As a passionate Self-Advocate Fengxian is a member of Self Advocates Taking Action who meet once a month to review bills and new laws. Fengxian wants to help bring change as well as improve services for people who experience disabilities. Fengxian is a very happy and social person who enjoys being with friends and family, providers, and fellow advocates.
Fengxian is an athlete involved in many sports- swimming, bowling, skiing, track and field, basketball- and loves to compete at Special Olympics. Fengxian is looking forward to taking a trip to Washington DC with Special Olympics to talk with congress, advocate, and be a positive influence about inclusive healthcare.

Q: What is important to you about your life right now?
A: “Have a job at Safeway… Getting ready to go to Washington DC, going to Japan, Shanghai and China this summer. Traveling with sisters and no parents this trip!”
Q: What is something you’ve done that you’re proud of?
A: “I went to the 2022 USA Olympic games in Florida- Special Olympics. Competed and brought home a silver medal in swimming. Both parents traveled with the delegation.”
Q: What dreams or goals do you have for the future?
A: “[Have a] job that I like and am passionate about, get married and go on a honeymoon, what other people have… Working to end the marriage penalty. This can take some time.”
Q: Do you think planning is important? Why?
A: “You are the leader of your life, many people back in the day didn’t have decision opportunities because they were living in Fairview. I make my choices, but I have support from my family.”
Q: When you’re planning with someone- what is the most important thing that person can do?
A: “During my ISP meetings, my mom sits next to me and she will rephrase it, communicates struggles on my behalf.”
Q: When you’ve planned in the past- what worked well?
A: “Listening and validating my concerns or opinions.”
Q: What do you like about your SC/PA/Case Manager? What do they do well?
A: “They get back to me in a timely manner, schedule things, review the ISP and ONA in an accessible way. My mom sits next to me, with iPad in front and if there is a question or phrase, she will rephrase.”
Q: What advice would you give to SC/PA/Case Managers around the state?
A: “Get back to clients and take their concerns seriously because it is their life, don’t think it is funny, crisis happens- not funny.”
Q: What do you like about your provider? What do they do well?
A: “They are on time, do stuff and go out in the community.”
Q: What advice would you give to providers around the state?
A: “Don’t hire people who are no call, no show.”
Q: What do you like about getting support from your family/friend? What do they do well?
A: “Good relationship with family and two sisters. I support my sisters and they support me.”
Q: What advice would you give to families and friends who support people around the state?
A: “Be there as a listening ear, be there for them if they lost someone/family, traumatic event, don’t go to institutions, ensure choice in where people live. Independent living with natural supports from community. Listen to where the person wants to live.”
Q: What is something important you’ve learned as a self-advocate?
A: “My story is a powerful one and my experience may be different than other people’s experiences.”