Need help finding your regional employment specialist? Contact Julie Huber, with the Oregon office of Developmental Disabilities Services. Email Phone 503-945-9787
These resources are also available:
- Oregon’s Employment First Website– Oregon was one of the first states to formally adopt an Employment First Policy. Adoption of this policy, in 2008 was the result of advocacy efforts to bring more employment opportunities to Oregonians experiencing DD & IDD. ODHS regularly updates this website with employment success stories and resources and information for people, families, providers, and employers. In addition, the web site also provides:
- An overview of current I/DD Employment Policy– This includes policy documents and related information about the Career Development Plan.
- The Employment Discussion Guide– This guide is a resource for Services Coordinators and Personal Agents (SCPAs) to facilitate conversations about individual, integrated employment and to help people make informed decisions before the date of the ISP meeting.
- Career Development Planning (CDP) Guide and Decision Not to Explore Employment Guide– These guides, written for Services Coordinators and Personal Agents (SC/PAs) provide information on how and when to complete the Career Development Plan (CDP) and the Decision Not to Explore Employment (DNE), outline the required components of each, and give instructions on how to submit the DNE to the Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS).
- Additional information on completing the CDP can be found in the Oregon ISP Instruction Manual
- The Oregon Employment Outcomes System– This website allows users to search for employment providers in their area, as well as capacity and contact information.
- A Personal Guide to Community Employment (2019)- This guide, written by the Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition (OSAC), provides and overview of community employment, discusses common myths, and offers tips throughout the path to employment.
- VR I/DD Counselors; ODE Transition Network Facilitators, ODDS Employment Specialists– This provides contact information by location and region.
- To learn what region you are in, explore the map of ODDS Regional Employment Specialists.