How to download linked files

On our Provided Forms page, we offer links to download each available form. If you’re experiencing problems saving and opening the forms from that page, try following these instructions to save each form to your computer.

  • Find the link for the form you want to download.
  • Choose your web browser below for further instructions to download the provided forms.
  1. Right-click on the link for the form you want to download.
  2. Choose Save link as…
  3. In a couple seconds, a pop up window will come up. Be patient, the pop up speed is dependent on your PC and Internet speed.
  4. Choose where you would like to save the form, such as on your Desktop or in your Documents folder.
  5. Then click Save.
  1. Right-click on the link for the form you want to download.
  2. Choose Save target as…
  3. In a couple seconds, a pop up window will come up. Be patient, the pop up speed is dependent on your PC and Internet speed.
  4. Choose where you would like to save the form, such as on your Desktop or in your Documents folder.
  5. Then click Save.
  1. Right-click on the link for the form you want to download.
  2. Choose Save as…
  3. In a couple seconds, a pop up window will come up. Be patient, the pop up speed is dependent on your PC and Internet speed.
  4. Choose where you would like to save the form, such as on your Desktop or in your Documents folder.
  5. Then click Save.
  6. When the file has finished downloading, you’ll see it at the bottom of your Chrome window.
  1. Right-click on the link for the form you want to download.
  2. Choose Download Linked File
  3. The file will save in your Downloads folder. To locate the file, click on the Show Downloads icon in the upper-right corner of the Safari window.
  4. When you open the file, if it opens and displays “Please wait…”, try right-clicking on the file and choose Open With…, then select Adobe Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat Professional.

For more help: This article from Apple contains more information about saving files in Safari.